■Vegan (No animal-derived ingredients, No animal tests)

■Halal (No pig-derived ingredients, No alcohol)

“SHOJIN cuisine (Japanese vegetarian cuisine)” that makes the most of
nature's bounty without using any animal-derived ingredients.
SHOJIN COSME has been made based on the concept of this SHOJIN cuisine.
Takes time and effort to bring out the best essence from ingredients, but simply beautiful.
SHOJIN COSME will color your face and mind with the blessings of nature.
“The Vegan Society” was established in the U.K. in 1944 by Donald Watson who created the word “Vegan”.
“Vegan” logo can be displayed on products that meet the Vegan Society’s standards – no containing any animal-derived materials such as milk, eggs, honey, animal collagen, lanolin and etc, no animal testing on manufacturing process.
All products of SHOJIN COSME are vegan cosmetics that meet these standards and are registered by the Vegan Society.
Halal (halal) certification proves that foods and products to be applied on body are manufactured appropriately according to Halal requirements. It is also a guideline for safety and necessary standards for Muslims.
Halal has two meanings – One is to comply with Islamic law, and the other is to be healthy, clean, safe and high quality.
All cosmetics produced in our factory are manufactured according to these Halal standards and SHOJIN COSME is certified with Halal.
Contains abundant nutrients such as vitamins and oleic acid and supports the barrier function of the skin.
Contains many beauty ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, iron and calcium in addition to linoleic acid and oleic acid to delight your skin.
Has an excellent moisturizing effect.
Supports keeping skin moisture and also relaxing effect can be expected due to its fragrance.